
Showing posts from June, 2011

The Declaration of Your Own Independence!

The ‘Declaration of Independence’ states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... That, my friends is a key phrase to remind yourselves of as you pursue your dreams and your unalienable Right to build a life and a business that, when you’re sitting in your favorite chair looking back, will be completely satisfying and rewarding. Are you following your Life purpose? Do you have the Liberty you deserve? How much Happiness do you feel right now? I had the extremely good fortune of being born here and being raised by a loving family. We were never wealthy. In fact, we were somewhere in the massive middle class in terms of money. I learned at an early age how to work to make the extra money I needed to buy the stuff I wanted that was not in the family budget. I remember the long days of picking berries,

{Breaking News} Talk about over-delivering!

Full-Throtle my Fellow Real Estate 'Business Savvy' Professionals! I just finished watching Chadi Bazzi's latest video and it is Epic!  If you're serious about taking your real estate business to a  higher level then you simply can't afford to miss this! The bonuses alone are worth ten times the investment! I am blown away by what Chadi is delivering here. So impressed, in fact, that I've decided to toss in some additional bonuses...check below! I just received notice from Chadi Bazzi that his  content-rich 6-week course, 'Elite Sales Mastery', went Live today  and if you reserve your  seat here  fast you'll get some incredible bonuses.    I am also including  3 special bonuses  for those that sign up through my link!  BONUS  1: A complimentary 1-hour 'Strategy Session' awarded to the 1st 5 that enroll - a $250 value.  In this session you'll discover the unique knowledge/exper

Mike's Golden Nugget!

Here's a link to a video I created specifically to help real estate agents raise their game! Check it out! Enjoy 1 small idea and 1 BIG IDEA to increase your sales!