
Showing posts from April, 2011

Geez Mike!

What a dork I am! Here's the link for the webinar...copy and paste to your browser, grab your favorite beverage and learn how to build your very own 'Yellow-Brick Road' to the Emerald City! file:///Users/michaelfuller/Desktop/ -- Michael Fuller The 'Increase Your Sales' Coach 503-913-8218 New Project.m4v Strategy Session

Say it isn't so!

Hey Hey Hey everybody...check out this new 'Golden Nugget' I just recorded specifically for real estate professionals. Let me know if you like it! -- Michael Fuller The 'Increase Your Sales' Coach 503-913-8218 New Project.m4v Strategy Session

What the Top 5% Do to get there...

Greetings Fellow Professionals, I was foolin around today trying to get this techie stuff...easy to get 'Overwhelm' even on the stuff that my 13 year old would get in a nano-second! Oh well, such is life these days. Whatever happened to the days when I had dozens of phone numbers memorized, actually talked to people more than I wrote/texted/emailed them. Ah...the good ol days! I am having a blast following my passion for coaching real estate salespeople to the Top! After 34 years of being in the trenches of listing/selling, more than 3000 successful transactions, the ups, the downs, the fricken ride of a lifetime! Now it's time for me to do what I have found that I really love and that's: Speaking - Coaching - Training! My commitment with this blog is to share information that you find useful. Could be just about anything that relates to selling or life or hobbies or? I guarantee you one thing it will be fast and furious writing on my part so there will no doubt b

Some Crappy Video's that might help!

Hey there my fellow professionals. Here is a link to my You Tube channel. -- Michael Fuller The 'Increase Your Sales' Coach 503-913-8218 New Project.m4v

Too much Month at the End of The $$$?

Hey...I know you've been working hard and it's important to keep your bank account from disappearing on you. So if you find yourself having too much month at the end of the money...we need to address it ASAP...otherwise you could be hosed. Those pesky bill collectors, unexpected financial setbacks, all the stress that comes with money problems and fights with your spouse can turn into an all-out nightmare of a financial meltdown if you don't treat 'em. And if your mind is totally occupied by all of these can't work productively. And if you can't be end up in 'overwhelm'. ;0 That's why I've decided to hook you up with a little anti-overwhelm MEDICINE. Here's the deal - if you're feeling stuck in this cul-de-sac of insanity, give me a call or stop by  and schedule a Strategy Session. I'll chip-in and help you get on the road that takes you to 'Too much money at the end