What the Top 5% Do to get there...

Greetings Fellow Professionals,

I was foolin around today trying to get this techie stuff...easy to get 'Overwhelm' even on the stuff that my 13 year old would get in a nano-second! Oh well, such is life these days. Whatever happened to the days when I had dozens of phone numbers memorized, actually talked to people more than I wrote/texted/emailed them. Ah...the good ol days!

I am having a blast following my passion for coaching real estate salespeople to the Top! After 34 years of being in the trenches of listing/selling, more than 3000 successful transactions, the ups, the downs, the fricken ride of a lifetime! Now it's time for me to do what I have found that I really love and that's:

Speaking - Coaching - Training! My commitment with this blog is to share information that you find useful. Could be just about anything that relates to selling or life or hobbies or? I guarantee you one thing it will be fast and furious writing on my part so there will no doubt be spelling and grammatical mis-steps...so what! Don't want to hear about it so 'No Whining' people!

If you find value here...fantastic! If not...hit the bricks! Either way is fine with me. From time to time I'll post a video and I'll also ask you if you're interested in getting more clarity on where you are in business and where you'd like to be...if so I am amped to be of service to you. I know how to help you ramp up your sales...I averaged 10-15 closings per month...and create balance in your life at the same time. pretty cool for me to be able to share the 'Golden Nuggets' that I've learned from the masters in sales. Not only did I learn them I also took 'Massive Action' in implementing what I learned which propelled me to the Top. This battle-tested information can do the same for you if you'll invest the time to learn it and then take 'Massive Action' with it. If you do you're 'Golden'!

Have an awesome day!


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