Michael Fuller has requested to keep in touch with you with DesktopLightning!

Hey You,

Michael Fuller is using DesktopLightning to keep in touch with
people, and really wants you to get an account to keep in touch
with you.

You can accept Michael's invitation and get an account here:



This message was sent to you by Michael Fuller, whose email address is mf7figureman@gmail.com. Michael logged on to DesktopLightning.com using the IP address, and used the Desktop Lightning 'Invite Friends' tool at 2011-07-08 12:59:20 to invite you. If you believe you have received this message in error, or that you are receiving this message as a result of abuse of our system, please report it to us immediately at desktoplightning.com/help. Thanks!

Please click the link below to prevent any further invitations from being sent to you about DesktopLightning.com, from anybody:


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