The Holiday Shuffle!

The Holiday Shuffle is fully on! From last minute shopping to planning all of the visits to families/friends/parties etc. It can be maddening at best. Know what I mean?

Well, seems like the proverbial 'Double-Edged' Sword! On the one hand are all the hassles, frustrations, emotional upheavals and dealing with the folks that seem to be oblivious to everyone else, AKA the rude peeps!

That being said the joy and good feelings crush the bad stuff for me anyway! After all the rushing around is said and done. The panic of checking off everything on my list I seem to magically transform into a calm and joyful place. I just well up inside when I see my family, share some stories, laugh a lot, eat to excess and probably down a wee bit too much booze! But man I love it! There's nothing like memories. Can't buy them...we just get to experience them...good - Great - sad - whatever they are they are all a necessary and pre-programmed part of our lives...IMHO.

So, the long and short of it is to take time to appreciate EVERYONE and EVERTHING around you this holiday season. I mean REALLY just quiet your mind and look around...It's beautiful and Magical when you do.

Happy Holidays to all and have a fabulous time with Family and Friends!



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P.S.S. Pay no mind to the form in this post unless you are in sales/business and would like to go over some strategies that might help you...absolutely no obligation at all and I won't be trying to sell you a darn thing!


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