Become The Master of Your Destiny!

Do you See It? 
Are you going after it?
Time to take ACTION!

I've spent the last several years coaching/mentoring/training salespeople to raise their level of ACTION! If I were to ask you, as I have asked hundreds of folks, this question:

"Do you know what to do to be more successful in your business?" Or, 

"Do you know what you NEED to do to get more fit and healthy?" Or, 

"Do you know what it takes to build and nurture better relationships?"

Without exception, I hear the same response(s). "Yes Mike I know what to do." Then when I follow-up with, "Are you consistently doing what you know MUST be done in order to be successful in this area?" Dead silence is what normally follows that question!

See, it's not that we haven't learned or seen what we MUST do for success, it's that we don't make the decision to take the ACTION-STEPS that we've learned! Why? Often times it's  due to information overload! Overwhelm! Too much analysis which leads to paralysis! The only way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to take decisive action and focus on 1 skill that will improve your situation. If you're in sales focus on becoming a better communicator and take massive action by talking to more potential prospects daily! The more folks you communicate with the better you will become at communicating, make sense?

Provided, you master the language art of selling. It is an art. The true professional salespeople, the top earners, the superstars have practiced, drilled and rehearsed their communication skills. AND, they take massive action doing most of their practice communicating with prospects daily! 

The key is in the ACTION!

Most of us get in our own way. Time to focus on your strengths...unless those strengths have limited value to your market. If there is not enough perceived value in your strengths then you need to reposition them, polish up on a weakness that will help strengthen the area(s) where you already have experience and success. Do this for the next 12 months...just focus and take ACTION! I guarantee that if you do you will have the best next 12 months ever in your business!

Make it Happen!


We've all felt stuck! Me included!  


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