The Non-Successful Listing Survey

So you gave the listing presentation of a lifetime.  It was seemingly perfect.  You presented the facts, answered their questions and nailed least you thought you did.


But, you went home without the listing agreement approved because the sellers informed you that they needed to think it over for a couple days.  You weren't equipped to handle this stall tactic - (I can help you overcome this 9 out of 10 times when you learn exactly what to say and how to say it.  Hit me up if you'd like to get these magical charge!) - but still felt confident that you would get the business.

The two days go by, they've received your Thank You note and now it's time to call them. You call and they regretfully inform you that they have listed with Joe Neanderthal of Banana Real Estate -- completely devastating you.  You know that you did a stellar job on the listing presentation, yet lost the listing to Joe.  Your natural question is...WHY?

The answer may not please you, may be incomplete, or it may possibly be the fact that it wasn't their decision after all.  Whatever the case, you now pull out this survey and send it to the sellers to find out why you didn't get the listing.  Warning:  Please make sure that your broker, local board and your own personal comfort level are all okay with this since some may feel it's a bit of a gray area and even might think it is a solicitation of a listing.  

Tally Ho!

Take a look at the survey letter below.

March 18th, 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Seller
123 Main Street
Happy Valley, OR.  97086

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Seller:

Congratulations on placing your home on the market.  You've chosen a fine real estate broker.  Obviously I'm disappointed that my company could not represent you, however we understand that it's your home, you're the boss and you make the decisions.  We put a lot of time and effort into our presentations, and we are always disappointed when we are not successful.

However, we also understand that we must learn from our setbacks.  Therefore, in return for the information I gave you in my presentation, I would appreciate it if you would be kind enough to fill out this fast survey and return it in the self-addressed, stamped envelope.  It will help me improve my services to many sellers in the future, and basically, isn't that what life is all about, constant and never-ending improvement?

Thank you very much!

1.  What did you believe (Your Name) was most interested in?

2.  What two items impressed you about (Your First Name) presentation?

3.  What two items were not impressive?

4.  How could (Your First Name) have earned this listing?

5.  What most impressed you about the broker you did choose?

6.  Could you recommend (Your Company Name) and (Your Name) in the future?

7.  If no, what would change your mind?

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping our firm become as strong as possible.  It is our goal to become an asset and a resource and to build "Clients for life." Your input will help us toward that goal!


Hopefully you'll find value and some great insight for your business when you deploy this tactical survey.  If you'd like more help, tips and magic words to use in your real estate business shoot me an email: or fill out the form below and you'll immediately receive some FREE content that will help you!

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