What's Michael Fuller Up To?

Hello and Welcome to 7-Figure Selling! My name is Michael Fuller and I have been a top salesperson for the past 34 years! Wow time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it! I’ve been fortunate to generate millions of dollars in sales fees over the years and I firmly believe that Selling is the finest profession in the world! In fact, our entire economy rests on the shoulders of professional salespeople. If you have the finest widget in the world but there are no sales then you have NO BUSINESS!
On this site you will find timely and strategic information/tips that will help you reach the top in the field of Sales! Selling is something we all do on a daily basis if you think about it. We’re constantly selling our family, friends, co-workers, boss, local merchants and the list goes on. The problem is that most people don’t like to be Sold but the absolutely LOVE to Buy!
What most folks miss is that selling is NOT about telling…rather it’s ALL about ASKING the right questions, building trust and having the other person ask/beg you to buy your stuff. How do we accomplish it? The formula is simple to understand and yet difficult to execute. I will say that my selling career took off like a roman candle when I learned this concept and applied it to my business.
We all shy away from salespeople at first until we feel comfortable with the salesperson we are encountering. Sort of like when we’re shopping at a department store and one of the salespeople asks, “May I help you?” We instinctively reply most often with…you guessed it, “I’m just looking.” That’s where we all start, right? Just looking.
Now, remember when you went to purchase a car, home, clothes, whatever and you met a salesperson that never seemed like they were selling anything? They simply asked you questions, built rapport with you and once you began to like and trust them you proceed further down the transaction highway. And you NEVER felt sold or pressured and in fact you were thrilled to buy from that person because they were so helpful, knowledgeable and friendly. That, my friends, is the secret to multiplying your sales and building unstoppable momentum in your career.
If you sell for a living then I’m pretty sure you are motivated to excel to the top, earn a professionals income, help as many people as possible and you LOVE what you do! If not, then this site is probably not for you but who knows!? However if that describes you then you have found the right place to get the tools you need to reach the top!
If you’d like to accelerate your sales career and have your next 12 months be the best 12 months you’ve had in selling in your life then this IS for you! On my main page I want you to click LIKE and then fill out your name and email so that I know you’re interested in getting the goods! I look forward to hearing from you.
Once you do you’ll begin to get tons of FREE content that you can immediately implement in your business and get massive results right away. Sound fair? What I promise you is that I will deliver super selling tips/advice/strategies and provide you avenues to take to take it up a notch! Looking forward to hearing from you!


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