
Showing posts from May, 2012

Put The Coffee Down! Coffee's For Closers!

I really love the movie glengarry glen ross, don't you? It is loaded with interesting and fun vignettes about the real estate business. Many of which are timeless and relevant in todays real estate environment. Prospecting for leads, is one of the basic functions of the professional real estate agent/broker and yet so many of us make up excuses a s to why we don't do it. We are great at procrastinating on this fundamental exercise, aren't we! Truth be told, in real estate sales, productivity follows activity by 30 days. That has certainly been true for me in my 35+ years of front-line selling! I had a Daily Activity Graph and a 90 day Activity Chart. And like clockwork my production levels shot up when I took Massive Action...Go Figure! One of the other tools I used was to ask myself great questions like: 1. How many people did I see for the month, how many listing prospects, how many sales prospects? 2. How many listings did I actually take and how many

Leads are one thing but...How's Your Conversion Rate?

You know what? Generating leads in the real estate business is not really all that difficult. After all, prospects are seemingly everywhere. Even in the current "shit-storm" we call a real estate market. Sure there is intense competition from 'mega-agents' and the age-old perception in the consumers mind that ALL real estate agents are the same...a bunch of low-life dirtbags...a necessary evil and such. But indeed, there are a plethora of opportunities available. Some of these so-called opportunities are gold and some are a lump of coal! You may have been sold on the concept that any lead is a good lead and there is some truth to that when you're a seasoned professional that knows exactly how to extract the gold from those lumps of coal! Let's move on. The subject at hand is how to convert the leads you do generate. This is where the rubber meets the road and it is also where 90% of the real estate agents miss the mark! Not because they aren't wantin

Why You Should Become A Listing Expert!

The Primary Reason is Money. The GREAT listing agents in our market earn as much or more than other professionals like doctors, lawyers and CPA's - without the huge investment of time and money in a formal education!  However, they certainly put forth a tremendous amount of effort to learn their craft. I'm talking about the top 1% in our industry - multiple six-figure earners. Sadly, over 80% of the real estate agents and brokers who get their license will be out of the business before two years! Fortunately for doesn't have to end that way! Another Reason Is Power. Great listing professionals control the market by controlling the inventory in their service area. Sellers gravitate to them because of their signs and activity as well as their reputation for getting properties SOLD! Buyers come to them as well because of their signs, reputations and having desirable properties to choose from. Reason Number Three? Having an inventory of homes for sale c