Why You Should Become A Listing Expert!

The Primary Reason is Money. The GREAT listing agents in our market earn as much or more than other professionals like doctors, lawyers and CPA's - without the huge investment of time and money in a formal education! 

However, they certainly put forth a tremendous amount of effort to learn their craft. I'm talking about the top 1% in our industry - multiple six-figure earners. Sadly, over 80% of the real estate agents and brokers who get their license will be out of the business before two years! Fortunately for some...it doesn't have to end that way!

Another Reason Is Power. Great listing professionals control the market by controlling the inventory in their service area. Sellers gravitate to them because of their signs and activity as well as their reputation for getting properties SOLD! Buyers come to them as well because of their signs, reputations and having desirable properties to choose from.

Reason Number Three? Having an inventory of homes for sale can fill your bank account with fungolas while you're out of town sipping your favorite beverage on the beach! Nothing sweeter than having one or several of your listings sell while your chillaxing on vacation!

The price of becoming a great listing agent is high. Most real estate agents think it takes too much effort and demands too great of a sacrifice in their time. Maybe you're one of them. That's okay. It's not for everyone. Having a fat bank account isn't everything but I do know that having too much money at the end of the month is much nicer than having too much month at the end of the money! 


  1. Talk like a professional. Avoid 'Shop-Talk' at all costs. Ask great questions of your prospects. You must show a genuine interest in them and their needs to get them to open up to you. Choose your words carefully so as not to offend. Plan and customize your presentations from your clients point of view.
  2. Professionals have a certain look about them. Take a look in the mirror. Is the reflection saying, "I look like a pro" or is it saying something far different? Seek out other top professionals and adopt their look!
  3. Professionals maintain a positive attitude when the world crumbles around them. We are all either going in to, in the middle of or coming out of a crisis at any given moment. And you know what? It's not the crisis that matters...it's how we handle it. If you allow life's challenges to get you down then you might likely not be ready to seize the next positive opportunity that comes your way.
  4. Potential clients relate business success with competence. Perception is reality. A professional surrounds herself with images of success. Is your car professional looking? It doesn't have to be expensive but it does need to be reliable and clean! Does your appearance scream' Professional! Or something different? How about your briefcase, laptop, cell phone, pen, marketing materials, etc. Look sharp to be sharp!
  5. Be organized. This demonstrates reliability to clients. Be on time! Have your presentation(s) organized and on purpose. Handle the details and follow up diligently and consistently.
  6. Respect your fellow agents and brokers. Good times or bad, everyone deserves the same amount of respect from you. We all have challenges. People want and crave recognition when they succeed and encouragement when they fail. Be there for your fellow agents when you can. Everyone wins!
  7. Stay in tune. We are in an industry that is ever-changing. You must stay abreast of all the latest developments in your marketplace and in our industry in order to continually sharpen your skills.
  8. Don't be a secret agent! Leave that to James Bond. Remember that prospects are like pebbles of sand on the beach...they're everywhere! They deserve the assistance of a true professional. Shouldn't that be you? Think of it as saving them the hassle and disappointment of working with someone who is not a pro!
  9. Integrity is your defining difference. Almost every day an opportunity to take unfair advantage of someone arises. As a pro you realize that a dissatisfied client today will cost you many additional clients in the future. You must always deliver the facts, never stretch the truth, never omit information, never stall or place blame on someone else for any problems that arise. Tackle them like a pro with grace and humility.

"Knowledge is power." That old saying is true assuming you use the knowledge that you attain.

  1. Know the inventory. Know the inventory better than your competition and you'll win. You'll be perceived as the 'Go To' professional in your market area.
  2. Know the basics of financing. Sellers and buyers will trust you more and be impressed with your professionalism when you can help them navigate the basics of their financing options. Leave the details to a mortgage professional but be aware of the fundamental guidelines.
  3. Know your service area and the community. If you attempt to take on business outside your area of expertise or familiarity you will not come across professionally. You must know all of the pertinent information about the communities you work in.
  4. Know your listing presentation cold! This takes hours of practice but the dividends far outweigh the work. You absolutely MUST know your presentation to the degree that you know exactly how to deliver it, what to anticipate and how to handle all objections that arise. You must know what to say, how to say it and when to say it. You also MUST know when to ask the final closing question and then learn to SHUT UP!
  5. You must know more than the seller. More about the market, more about the homes for sale, pending and closed in the immediate neighborhood and as much about their home as possible.
  6. Know their motivation for moving/selling. Great listing agents always ask questions that reveal the sellers motivation. Usually these are asked at the initial appointment at their home as you're gathering information and building rapport. Here are a few sample questions for you to ask. Preface these questions by saying, "Mr/Mrs _________, in order for me to do the most professional job possible for you I need to ask you a few questions.
  • What is your motivation for selling your home at this time?
  • How soon do you need to move?
  • Where are you moving to?
  • How soon do you have to be there?
  • Will you be interviewing any other agents/brokers? (If Yes, ask: When will you be meeting them? Try to be the last agent to give your listing presentation)
  • What are the top 3 things you are looking for in an agent to represent you?
  • About how much do you owe on the property including all loans?
  • Approximately how much do you want to net from the sale after all expenses?
  • Are you willing to carry financing?
Make it a goal to go on at least 1 listing appointment per week! There are literally dozens of ways to prospect for seller clients. I suggest you pick a few and perfect them. Also, nichify your business to become a specialist. Specialists get paid more!

Commit to being a top listing agent and you will reap the rewards! You can do it! It simply takes work and dedication up front. Why shouldn't you start to earn a professionals income?

By the way, if you'd like me to take a closer look with you at your current business I am happy to give you a complimentary 1-hour 'Strategy Session'. Absolutely no obligation and I will NOT try to sell you anything. No hidden agenda here just a real honest to goodness look at what we might do to increase your bottom line! Just fill in the details below and we'll dive in!

P.S. Just by requesting your 'Strategy Session' with me I'll send you a free gift to your inbox titled, "Total Sales Domination".

 Yes Mike, I will take you up on your offer for a 100% Complimentary 'Strategy Session'

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