Leads are one thing but...How's Your Conversion Rate?

You know what? Generating leads in the real estate business is not really all that difficult. After all, prospects are seemingly everywhere. Even in the current "shit-storm" we call a real estate market. Sure there is intense competition from 'mega-agents' and the age-old perception in the consumers mind that ALL real estate agents are the same...a bunch of low-life dirtbags...a necessary evil and such. But indeed, there are a plethora of opportunities available.

Some of these so-called opportunities are gold and some are a lump of coal! You may have been sold on the concept that any lead is a good lead and there is some truth to that when you're a seasoned professional that knows exactly how to extract the gold from those lumps of coal!

Let's move on.

The subject at hand is how to convert the leads you do generate. This is where the rubber meets the road and it is also where 90% of the real estate agents miss the mark! Not because they aren't wanting or motivated to close the deal...no...it's because they simply are ill-equipped to handle the mine field of stalls and objections that they get from the prospects.

This is a curable disease fortunately!

How would you like to enjoy a unique status and competition-free position in your market? Wouldn't it be cool if the prospects 'Ask You' to write up the paperwork and close the transaction? Yes? Yes! I thought you'd agree. So, Mike, what's the secret? No real mystery here. You...simply...MUST...know where to prospect and how to say what to say!

Geez...sounds like promises you've heard before I know...the difference is...all those other "Guru's" basically deliver you the warmed-up leftovers with new packaging, better dialogues and scripts and more unbranded advertising/promotional "goulash"...or still another "magic-pill" that will cure all that ails you! Maybe a fancy website, social marketing wizardry and all the stuff that makes all of us look the same to the consumer. That is what commoditizes us and diminishes our value.

Stop it!

The only way to really stand out and fatten your bank account with a steady stream of closings is to...well...BE DIFFERENT! Stand apart from the masses and create such a strong and unique marketing position that your selected niche will stampede to your door, nearly demanding to work with you and hand over their trust and fungolas to have you represent them...and only you!

Time you went fishing...

Look around you. Where are the other agents reeling in their business? Which pond are they frequenting to catch their limit? Observe, take note and...then find your own fishing hole! In other words...when they go right...you go left! It's time to "Nichefy" your business. Get laser focused on one particular segment. Doesn't really matter what segment, although there are a few that are better than the rest. What really matters is that you will "Master" your herd! You will be the 'go-to' real estate professional in your market for that particular niche.

Quit trying to be all things to all people if you want MASSIVE results!

What I'm talking about is 'direct-response' marketing. It's something few, if any, of your competition is doing and certainly a small percentage of them that are aren't doing it right! When you learn this, you'll be able to apply it and create 'Income at will'. You'll gain skills that will be of great benefit to your niche clients and will enable you to enjoy a new 'reputation' hell...maybe even 'Rock-Star' status as well as the top income that you deserve as a true professional!

If you continue to do what everyone else does or teaches you to do then you will garner the same results and be tagged as 'just another real estate agent'! Not what you want, is it? I don't think so! A career in sales has been described as the lowest paid easy work and the highest paid hard work in the world! But it doesn't have to be all that hard...it does have to be smart...calculated...and focused!

This is not meant to be a 'Sales' letter. Rather an introductory letter to a concept that has made me and a select few others millions of dollars in sales! I can share more with you via a complimentary 1-on-1 consulting session if you are the type to take action and desire a more care-free lifestyle without the stress of wondering where your next commission check is coming from. But it's up to you!

The ball is in your court now. I am going to take on a limited number of students to mentor and coach because that's how I can deliver the highest level of service to you personally. I do not and will not have a stable of other coaches that I hand off my students to. I am the guy. You get me and we work hand-in-hand until we've made a transformational difference in your business...period!

Interested in diving in deeper? Well then...jump in...the water's fine and let's get this ball rolling! Here's the form or...email me directly at mf7figureman@gmail.com. I will respond on a first-come first-served basis and am limiting this to 50 clients over the next 12 months. Grab your slot today and put your selling career in high gear...give it all she's got and a wee bit more!

To you Success!


 Yes Mike, I will take you up on your offer for a 100% Complimentary 'Strategy Session'

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