
Showing posts from June, 2012

Strategic Sales Tip 10: "Will The Seller Take Less" and the 'Order-Blank' Close

My Fellow Real Estate Professionals-- Have you ever been in the situation where your buyer prospect asks if the seller is willing to take less then the asking price? I know I have and until I learned the following response I was stumped or worse, gave the wrong answer! If you'll learn this response you'll find yourself moving the sales process forward more often. Practice it until it flows naturally from your mouth! :) Prospect:  "Is the seller willing to take less then they're asking?" Pro:  "I've learned never to make a decision for a client.  However, would you be interested in owning the home if they would?"   Or you might say:  "I know the owners will take (listed price).  Anything offered less than that would have to be negotiated.  What figure do you have in mind?"  (Write the answer on the sales agreement). The "Order Blank" Close: This is used when you've found a home for the clients and

Success In Real Estate Sales Is Like Building a New House...It's Done In Phases!

Have you ever noticed that a new house is built in phases? It all starts with a set of blueprints. Then the site is prepped, the foundation is poured, the framing is done, the sheetrock is put up, etc. If it wasn't done this way it would be like a house of cards, wouldn't it? A successful real estate career is built in a similar way. In phases. Many real estate agents begin their career with a lot of enthusiasm and often will try to tackle several different strategies to grow their business. This is like the old saying, "Jack of all trades...master of none!" They too end up with an unstable "House of cards"! The agents who become the most successful have focus. They start with a blueprint.  They have a specific plan and it starts with a strong grasp of the fundamentals to build a solid foundation. Here's an example of how to phase your business. It takes a massive amount of work and focus in the beginning but the successful agents are motivat

Price Is King When Listing Real Estate!

The scenario: You're at the Johnson home giving your listing presentation and all is going very well except for the pricing.  The market facts of record indicate a value between $250-255.  Your goal is to list it at $249,950 and tops at $254,950 with the understanding that the price will be reconsidered after 30 days. Here's the obstacle:  They want to start at $265,000 on the theory that they'll probably need to negotiate.   STUDY THESE WORDS UNTIL YOU KNOW THEM LIKE A REFLEX .   They work beautifully. "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I'm trying my best to put myself in your shoes this evening.  Many brokers are mainly concerned with taking listings and will tell the sellers whatever they want to hear.  I don't think this is fair because your main concern is selling the property, isn't it?"   (Don't pause; you must jump on the next sentence.)  "That's why I spent a considerable amount of time today preparing facts to substantiate a f

Time To Design Your Own Personal Economy!

Design Your Life and Business Through the Magic Power of Words! By Michael David Fuller Article Word Count: 3788 The 'Declaration of Independence' states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... That, my friends is a key phrase to remind yourselves of as you pursue your dreams and your unalienable right to build a life and a business that, when you're sitting in your favorite chair looking back, will be completely satisfying and rewarding. Are you following your Life purpose? Do you have the Liberty and Happiness that you deserve? How much Happiness do you feel right now? I had the extremely good fortune of being born here and being raised by a loving family. We were never wealthy. In fact, we were somewhere in the massive middle class in terms of money. I learned at an early age how to work

Summer's Coming...Are You Prepared?

Well...finally, at least here in the great Pacific NW, summer is almost here! Yahoo...getting weary of the rain! We're something like half a foot above normal rainfall for the year. Geez, enough already! The good news is that my water bill is lower than normal...hahaha! The bad news is that my garden is soggy! Bring on the sun! I must reveal that I am one of the foolish folks, in that I got way too much sun exposure as a young man and my skin suffered! Spots, uneven tones, you name it! The fact is that too much sun does damage the skin and even worse can lead to some serious health issues. I've recently discovered some really amazing skincare products from Rodan+Fields Dermatologists, the creators of proactiv solution - which attacked acne so successfully. The doctors have now created some amazing 'Anti-Aging' products, including a line called 'Reverse' which I have been using and I love the results! Seems like I've tried every product there