Strategic Sales Tip 10: "Will The Seller Take Less" and the 'Order-Blank' Close

My Fellow Real Estate Professionals--

Have you ever been in the situation where your buyer prospect asks if the seller is willing to take less then the asking price? I know I have and until I learned the following response I was stumped or worse, gave the wrong answer!

If you'll learn this response you'll find yourself moving the sales process forward more often. Practice it until it flows naturally from your mouth! :)
Prospect:  "Is the seller willing to take less then they're asking?"
Pro:  "I've learned never to make a decision for a client.  However, would you be interested in owning the home if they would?"  
Or you might say:  "I know the owners will take (listed price).  Anything offered less than that would have to be negotiated.  What figure do you have in mind?"  (Write the answer on the sales agreement).
The "Order Blank" Close:

This is used when you've found a home for the clients and you have said to them, after they said they want to think it over, "That's a great idea Tom and Mary.  Let's go ahead and map everything out on the paperwork so you have everything you need to give this home careful consideration.  Let's start with how you would like your names to appear on the title.  Let's start with you Mary.  What is your full name including your middle initial?"  
(As she tells you, you write it in the appropriate spot on the sales agreement). 
Keep asking questions that give you answers you can write on the sales agreement.  Many times they will not stop you and once the paperwork is completed you simply turn it around and say, "With your approvals right here we can get started tonight getting you happily moved into your new home."  THEN SHUT UP!  The first one who talks loses!  Many times they will go ahead and sign on the line that is dotted!  Of course, when they do you must then orient them to what the process is from there.

If you'd like a steady diet of excellent sales tips go ahead and get them by simply providing your name and email below. No obligation...just pure content and my way of saying thanks for following me!

To Your Growth and Success,

Michael - Your 'Increase Your Sales' Coach!

Achieve Total Sales Domination 

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