
Showing posts from July, 2012

How Much Is The Most You'd Pay...For A Cheeseburger?

Interesting question that evokes all manner of answers! Everything from "Zero..I'm a vegetarian" to "The most I'd pay is $20 and it better be gourmet!" Let's take a look at it from a wee bit different perspective, shall we? Picture a fine restaurant, white linens, polished silver, designer plates and the best wait staff ever. Now also imagine dining with your favorite celebrity or world renowned person. And this is a charity event that benefits your favorite cause. Now, what would you pay for a gourmet burger prepared to perfection with the finest ingredients at this event? $50? $100? More? (Vegetarians? Still probably zero!) Now consider this scenario, you're lost, you have no food, you only have 2 hours left before you starve to death with no hope in sight...Then...there it is! A helicopter hovers above you and offers you a Cheeseburger...they can't pick you up because of the are starving AND you're a mu

Time to Get Jiggy!!!

Well...we are officially finished with the 1st half of 2012...who's on track? Who's not? I am one that is just a wee bit short...not much...but still...more can be done! Time to get Jiggy! Here's what I'm doing and maybe it's a good exercise for you too...I'm mapping out my 'Dreams/Goals' for the next 5 years! Where do I most want to live, what do I most want to achieve, who do I most want to spend my time with, how does my family look, what do my financial, physical and spiritual goals look like? If you have been putting this off for...whatever reason...then it's re-visit it and write it out! When I say that I mean...physically...with pen and paper, write this stuff down...because...when you do it like that your subconscious mind goes to work to make it happen! It's quite magical actually and has worked for me for the last 40 years! So, I have some experience in this area! Keep it simple, keep it real,

Happy Independence Day!

Howdy. I’m republishing this post from last summer, because it’s just too damn good to allow it to languish in the archives. Enjoy: I want to wish the country a happy birthday on this fine July 4th. She’s looking not too shabby for 235 years old.  I’ve been here for a lot of those b-days, too… and here are a couple of random thoughts (before I get drowned out by fireworks): INTRODUCTION The ‘Declaration of Independence’ states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... That, my friends is a key phrase to remind yourselves of as you pursue your dreams and your unalienable Right to build a life and a business that, when you’re sitting in your favorite chair looking back, will be completely satisfying and rewarding. Are you following your Life purpose? Do you have the Liberty you deserve? How much Happiness do you feel r