How Much Is The Most You'd Pay...For A Cheeseburger?

Interesting question that evokes all manner of answers! Everything from "Zero..I'm a vegetarian" to "The most I'd pay is $20 and it better be gourmet!" Let's take a look at it from a wee bit different perspective, shall we?

Picture a fine restaurant, white linens, polished silver, designer plates and the best wait staff ever. Now also imagine dining with your favorite celebrity or world renowned person. And this is a charity event that benefits your favorite cause. Now, what would you pay for a gourmet burger prepared to perfection with the finest ingredients at this event? $50? $100? More? (Vegetarians? Still probably zero!)

Now consider this scenario, you're lost, you have no food, you only have 2 hours left before you starve to death with no hope in sight...Then...there it is!

A helicopter hovers above you and offers you a Cheeseburger...they can't pick you up because of the are starving AND you're a much would you give for that cheeseburger? Does it matter if it's gourmet or from a "downer" cow? I think not!

It is the difference between starving to death or living long enough to be rescued. How much would you pay? $1,000? $100,000? $1,000,000 or more? I know if it were me I'd pay whatever they asked and wouldn't care a bit about where the meat came from nor that I'm a strict vegetarian! Which I'm not, of course!

Selling is all about perspectives. As a professional salesperson you know that you can pull a whole lot more out of a person then you can put in...meaning, by asking the right questions, the right way and at the right time you will help folks make great decisions that they are unwilling to make for themselves!

What in the He__ does that have to do with cheeseburgers? Nothing...just liked the story! Seriously though, it is all about perspectives and how we, as professional salespeople, can elicit those perspectives from our prospects through asking questions that move them to the decision that they really want to make...Make sense?

I have a series of tips to share with anyone interested in learning how to better serve your prospects in the real estate business. These tips are free of charge but do require you to ask for them by filling out the information below. Painless, really... and they are powerful! Don't worry I'll never spam you or try and sell you anything within this series. I will ask you for your honest feedback though! Which you can give me at:

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All the best,


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