Time to Get Jiggy!!!

Well...we are officially finished with the 1st half of 2012...who's on track? Who's not?
I am one that is just a wee bit short...not much...but still...more can be done! Time to get Jiggy!

Here's what I'm doing and maybe it's a good exercise for you too...I'm mapping out my 'Dreams/Goals' for the next 5 years! Where do I most want to live, what do I most want to achieve, who do I most want to spend my time with, how does my family look, what do my financial, physical and spiritual goals look like?

If you have been putting this off for...whatever reason...then it's time...probably...to re-visit it and write it out! When I say that I mean...physically...with pen and paper, write this stuff down...because...when you do it like that your subconscious mind goes to work to make it happen!

It's quite magical actually and has worked for me for the last 40 years! So, I have some experience in this area!

Keep it simple, keep it real, keep it believable and make it true! You can do it...believe in your dreams...they are ready and waiting to come TRUE!

All my Best,



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