
Showing posts from April, 2012

"There's only 1 way to the top if you want to Rock & Roll"

Ain't it the truth? Listen if you want to 'Rock & Roll" in sales and in life you must have a plan and execute it with 'Massive' action. It is a fact that there is no elevator to the top in business. It is a step-by-step process that elevates you to the top. In order to be recognized as one of the best you must do your homework. You must know your product and the selling process better then your competition. In real estate sales it starts with knowing the inventory 'cold' in your service area. You need to pre-view property daily. You need to know all of the FSBO inventory. You need to know the 'Expired' listing inventory, the pending and sold inventory etc. Sounds like work, i know and it is at first a lot of legwork, however once you get up to speed it is much easier to stay on top of the data. What's really cool is that while you're pre-viewing you can couple it with prospecting! Let me explain. Take the pre-viewing proce

Video Boss Rules! Learn from the 'Boss' Andy Jenkins!

You know... a few years ago you didn't have to bother with video on your website. You could do just fine with a simple, straight-up web site with nothing but text. If you had some solid copywriting, then you were golden. But now we're clearly in the day where video rules... for both traffic AND conversion. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to somehow jump into the video age. Which, for most of us, has been a real pain. I mean, I didn't go to film school. I didn't go to acting school. I'm betting you didn't either. And it's even worse for me... since I'm in the business of teaching people how to build their real estate businesses... because the folks in my niche are creating some amazing videos. And that darn Andy Jenkins is the worst of them - because he DID go to film school. And he DID win an Emmy for his video editing. And he's in the middle of shooting a Hollywood movie right now.

Subscribe To Strategic Sales Tips and Receive Weekly Sales Tips That Can Explode Your Business!

Greetings and just a quick note to let you know that I am opening up my private vault of 'Strategic Sales Tips' and giving away weekly, power-packed tips, ideas and strategies that, if you take action, will immediately have a positive impact on your sales and conversions. Every week straight to your inbox - no charge! Normally I sell these closely-guarded tips for a subscription price of $39/month but for a limited time I am giving them away. No catch, no obligation, no B.S. and no worries! You do need to opt-in to receive them in order for me to get them in the hands of those that most want them. So go ahead and fill out the short form below and begin receiving your 'Strategic Sales Tips' right away! Standing for You and Your Success, Mike P.S. Oh and I'll even throw in a complimentary 1-hour 'Strategy Session' with me where we'll discover what strategies you can immediately implement to give your  sales and business a boost! Pr

Perfect Practice Combined With Massive Action Rules!

Think about all of the best-of-the best you've come across. Sports legends, business icons, top sales professionals, great speakers, amazing doctors, etc. Do you think they were born that way? No! Do they have special powers? No! Are they really any different from you and me? No! Well...maybe . Let me explain. They put in more 'Practice-Time' then those who don't achieve greatness. But that's not enough in and of itself, is it? No! There is an old saying that we've all heard, "Practice makes perfect." But is that true? Sort of. Yet we also know folks who work their asses off, practice their craft and never get the results to take them to the next level. I think it's because there is a difference between just 'practice'   and 'perfect practice' . Success leaves clues. When I've grilled some of the greatest sales professionals in the world on how they got to where they are there is a constant thread

Take Action To Win!

Yes, Mike I am ready to take Action! Fill in your information  belo w  to apply for a  1 hour 100% FREE Phone Strategy Session.   The 1 hour Complimentary Strategy Session  with Mike Fuller is a one-on-one  Phone session that is designed to get you into action  in an area of your life that is important to you, big time important...maybe an area where you feel stuck, or not living up to the potential you know you can...something that is near and dear to your heart that you'd like to see happen sooner rather than later. Once I receive your application (see below), if you are selected for the ' Strategy Session' , I will contact you directly to schedule it at a mutually convenient time.  I look forward to it! I can work with you no matter where you are in the world. I do most coaching sessions by phone or Skype. We can also meet in person, if you prefer. Ready to get into action in an area of your life that is important to you? ...big time impo

Become a Listing 'BOSS'

Greetings Fellow Real Estate Professionals! We've all heard it, if you want to make the big bucks in real estate sales you MUST become a listing master! Or as I prefer to call it, a listing 'BOSS'! And you know what? It's absolutely true. Look around your office. Who are the top producers? I'll guarantee you that 99% of them are focused on working with seller clients. Now, to be fair there are some top producers that have a balance between working with seller and buyer clients but in my 35+ years in the industry I have found that the vast majority are heavily weighted on the seller side of the ledger. Every well-priced listing you take has the potential to generate 1-3+ additional real estate opportunities from your marketing efforts. When you're working with buyers they are much more time consuming and there are fewer opportunities to land additional business. One of the keys to becoming a listing 'BOSS' is to target and go after the righ

Ready to Grow Your Business?

Your Opportunity To Participate... Dear Friend, Rest assured, I'm not here to sell you anything - zip, zero, nada. But I would like to share with you the 'how, what and why' of what I do! Decisive entrepreneurs will immediately recognize the value in it for them. Folks, the purpose of this process is to identify those of you who are keen to 'play ball'. Whether that's you or not, I don't know...All I can say is that either way it's fine by me. So let's get down to business: My interest over the last 18 months has been testing and implementing simple strategies for a handpicked group of my clients. These were ordinary people hungry for extraordinary results. After a short, focused effort the results had surpassed everyone's expectations - including mine! So, here's your chance to see how they relate to  you  and  your  situation. Book in for a  Free One-On-One Strategy Session  with myself or one of my,