"There's only 1 way to the top if you want to Rock & Roll"

Ain't it the truth? Listen if you want to 'Rock & Roll" in sales and in life you must have a plan and execute it with 'Massive' action. It is a fact that there is no elevator to the top in business. It is a step-by-step process that elevates you to the top.

In order to be recognized as one of the best you must do your homework. You must know your product and the selling process better then your competition. In real estate sales it starts with knowing the inventory 'cold' in your service area. You need to pre-view property daily. You need to know all of the FSBO inventory. You need to know the 'Expired' listing inventory, the pending and sold inventory etc.

Sounds like work, i know and it is at first a lot of legwork, however once you get up to speed it is much easier to stay on top of the data. What's really cool is that while you're pre-viewing you can couple it with prospecting!

Let me explain.

Take the pre-viewing process and break it into small chunks. Commit to seeing 5-7 homes a day that you have not seen. Take notes about the properties and keep a notebook so that you can refer to it and it will also cement the information in your 'Minds-Eye' so you can pull it up at a moments notice. 

This is important because when an inquiry comes your way you can intelligently speak to the prospect and you will sound like the area expert. Which, by the way, you will be ahead of 90% of your competitors just by knowing the inventory intimately.

Combining pre-viewing with prospecting has several opportunities. For example: 

1. You should make it a practice to pre-view owner-occupied homes when the owner is home. Why? So that you can meet the owner, build a bit of rapport and in the event you do show the property and write a proposal you will have a much better chance of getting your proposal to work...especially if you present your proposal in person...which you really need to do if at all possible.

2. Also pre-view tenant occupied properties. The tenants need to be present so you can meet them, build rapport and find out if they are potentially buyers. Great source of business!

3. Pre-view 'New Construction' and do this first thing in the morning. Why? Because that is your best opportunity to run in to the builder! If you do then ask the builder, "I am here to gather as much information as I can so that I might be able to show my prospective buyers your home(s). Would you mind telling me more about what you're building and why my clients should consider living here?" That is a great way to open up the lines of communication with that builder and for you to get as much information as possible to deliver to your buyer clients. Again, by doing this you create a bridge to 'yes', if and when you write up a proposal on one of these properties!

It goes much deeper than this but at least you have a taste of how to position yourself as the expert, one step at a time!

Of course, if you'd like to take a deeper dive simple fill out the form below and I'll give you a complimentary 1-hour coaching session aka 'Strategy Session' where we'll take a closer look. Nothing to sell you on just a real honest

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