Take Action To Win!

Yes, Mike I am ready to take Action!

Fill in your information below to apply for a 1 hour 100% FREE Phone Strategy Session. 

The 1 hour Complimentary Strategy Session with Mike Fuller is a one-on-one Phone session that is designed to get you into action in an area of your life that is important to you, big time important...maybe an area where you feel stuck, or not living up to the potential you know you can...something that is near and dear to your heart that you'd like to see happen sooner rather than later.

Once I receive your application (see below), if you are selected for the 'Strategy Session', I will contact you directly to schedule it at a mutually convenient time. 

I look forward to it!

I can work with you no matter where you are in the world. I do most coaching sessions by phone or Skype. We can also meet in person, if you prefer.

Ready to get into action in an area of your life that is important to you? ...big time important...maybe an area where you feel stuck, or not living up to the potential you know you can..something that is near and dear to your heart that you'd like to see happen sooner rather than later...

Then you are ready to apply for a 1 hour, 100% complimentary 'Strategy Session' with...yours truly! It is designed to get you into action by the end of that session, so it is not for the weak at heart or tire kickers...however, I will not...I repeat...I will not try to sell you anything on the call. We will discover if and how I might be able to help you though! 

Fair enough? 

Cool Beans!

Once we receive your application, answer the questions below so that we may better serve you, put your answers in an email and send them to: mf7figureman@gmail.com. 

If you are selected - I'm only accepting 20 new candidates this month and 7 slots are already taken leaving 13 slots available as of today - for the 1 hour one-on-one complimentary Phone Strategy Session, I will be sure to contact you directly to schedule it at a mutually convenient time.

...and, yes, your contact information is safe here and will remain private. Promise!

One-hour, One-on-One phone Strategy Session Application:

1. What is your current business? ______________________________________________________________

2. What is your biggest challenge right now?

3. What is it costing you to stay the same versus making a change?

4. What have you done about it?

5. On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to taking action and resolving this today?


6. How much did you earn last year/month/week?

____________ year
____________ month
____________ week

7. How much would you like to earn this year/month/week?

____________ year
____________ month
____________ week

Take Action! Provide me your name, email and best phone number to reach you in the form right below and let's get started transforming you and your business from where you are now to where you know you should be! 

Grab your FREE one-on-one Strategy Session

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Michael Fuller
The 'Increase Your Sales' Coach
13820 SE King Rd.
Happy Valley, Oregon 97086
ph: 503-913-8218


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