Video Boss Rules! Learn from the 'Boss' Andy Jenkins!

You know... a few years ago you didn't have to
bother with video on your website.
You could do just fine with a simple, straight-up
web site with nothing but text. If you had some
solid copywriting, then you were golden.
But now we're clearly in the day where video
rules... for both traffic AND conversion. If you
want to be taken seriously, you need to somehow
jump into the video age.
Which, for most of us, has been a real pain.
I mean, I didn't go to film school. I didn't go to
acting school. I'm betting you didn't either.
And it's even worse for me... since I'm in the
business of teaching people how to build their
real estate businesses... because the folks in my niche
are creating some amazing videos.
And that darn Andy Jenkins is the worst of them -
because he DID go to film school. And he DID win
an Emmy for his video editing. And he's in the
middle of shooting a Hollywood movie right now.
That all means he puts out GREAT video... and he
keeps raising the bar for everyone in the market.
Including me. Bummer.

The great news is that NOW we can all learn directly 
from cuzin Andy!

So right now, Andy just opened registration for
Video Boss. This is only the third time it's ever
been offered, and the last two times it was only
available for a matter of hours.
If you want to learn how to add video into your
business... and how to use it to drive more
traffic and higher conversions... then now is the
time to act.

You can access it by clicking the link below. It
is truly 'Bossy'! Go check it out and also receive
my bonus 'Strategic Sales Tips as my thank you!

To receive the bonus simply fill out the form below 
the link and you'll start getting the tips right away!

Grab your FREE one-on-one Strategy Session

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