Become a Listing 'BOSS'

Greetings Fellow Real Estate Professionals!

We've all heard it, if you want to make the big bucks in real estate sales you MUST become a listing master! Or as I prefer to call it, a listing 'BOSS'! And you know what? It's absolutely true.

Look around your office. Who are the top producers? I'll guarantee you that 99% of them are focused on working with seller clients. Now, to be fair there are some top producers that have a balance between working with seller and buyer clients but in my 35+ years in the industry I have found that the vast majority are heavily weighted on the seller side of the ledger.

Every well-priced listing you take has the potential to generate 1-3+ additional real estate opportunities from your marketing efforts. When you're working with buyers they are much more time consuming and there are fewer opportunities to land additional business.

One of the keys to becoming a listing 'BOSS' is to target and go after the right seller clients and do it consistently. There are a number of ways to tackle it. A couple of my favorites are seller clients that can give you multiple opportunities like builders, investors, asset managers, estate attorneys and/or CPA's.

When I was new in the industry I built my reputation as a listing 'BOSS' by working on a geographic farm area and expired listings. I learned and followed a systematic approach to both and had tremendous success. However, I began to get burned out after 10 years of getting one seller client at a time. At one point I was servicing 65 listings with 65 individual seller clients...a nightmare really. Don't get me wrong, the money was great but I was literally working 14 hours a day!

There had to be a better way! I decided that I would focus on clients that could give me a lot of listings so I began prospecting for builder clients. I knew absolutely nothing about representing builders at first so I just dove in with imperfect action! Very soon though the results were amazing!

I finally found my first client after making 50+ calls. That client was not only a builder but also a developer. Now I was in way over my head! I fumbled around long enough to find him a piece of ground. I showed him, he liked it and he bought it! Cool beans. I earned a nice fat fee for the land sale and then listed the 25 homes as they were being built...a home run! 

But it gets better...

From that first client I met another builder client and landed that account for 65 new homes...Now I was cooking! What I really loved was the fact that I now had more listings then I had ever had and I got them from just 2 seller clients! Way better then the 65 clients I had the last time I had 65 listings!

Then something really cool happened. I went on vacation for 10 days...unheard of in the last 10 years for me! While I was gone, enjoying my time off at the beach sipping on my beverage of choice my phone rang. I answered and you know what? I sold 5 of those homes while on vacation! Now that is awesome. I was making money without having to be there! That is what can happen when you become a listing 'BOSS'! Pretty cool huh!

This post is getting long so let me just say that I now help other real estate professionals become listing 'BOSSES' and realize the freedom of doing so. More money, more time, less aggravation and all-in-all a much happier life as a professional! If that sounds good to you then I am here to help!

Simply fill out the form below the video and I'll give you a complimentary 1-hour 'Strategy Session' where we'll discover if and how I might be able to help you get from where you are to where you want to go in the real estate business. I won't try to sell you anything on the call and I guarantee you'll get value from it. No obligation. No B.S. Just pure content and we'll have some fun too!

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