Perfect Practice Combined With Massive Action Rules!

Think about all of the best-of-the best you've come across. Sports
legends, business icons, top sales professionals, great speakers,
amazing doctors, etc.

Do you think they were born that way? No!

Do they have special powers? No!

Are they really any different from you and me? No!


Let me explain.

They put in more 'Practice-Time' then those who don't achieve
greatness. But that's not enough in and of itself, is it?

There is an old saying that we've all heard, "Practice makes perfect."

But is that true?

Sort of.

Yet we also know folks who work their asses off, practice their
craft and never get the results to take them to the next level.
I think it's because there is a difference between just 'practice' 
and 'perfect practice'.

Success leaves clues. When I've grilled some of the greatest sales
professionals in the world on how they got to where they are there
is a constant thread in what they've told me.

"I found the best in my industry and modeled what they did."

'Perfect practice'!


Personally, that one exercise has helped me go
from struggling to thriving in my sales career.

My first 6 months? I averaged $575 per month in gross income.

Pretty GROSS huh?

Then I was introduced to the #1 salesperson in my field and I was
like a sponge! I listened, I did exactly what he taught me to do
and you know what? BAM! My business took off like a rocket!

The next 6 months...I averaged $8,733 per month! I was floored and
totally pumped! I had discovered some critical keys to unlock my
potential. I've never looked back.

One of the critical keys was to learn exactly what to say and how
to say it. Before I learned this I had no clue. I would freeze up
when a prospect threw an objection at me. I would literally get an
upset stomach!

I folded like a cheap lawnchair for crying out loud!

But once I committed to learning and implementing the success clues
I was unstoppable! I was in control of my destiny and began to have
a lot more fun in the real estate business.

You can too...if you commit! If you are willing to pay the price...
it's not really expensive, by the way! It's costing you a lot more
to stay in 'Fine' then to take charge and change course in
your direction.

So...are you ready to go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is! I
will take you by the hand and show you step-by-ever-loving-step
exactly what to do and say and how to do and say it!

This isn't for the faint of heart. This is only for those committed
to going toward greatness! If I can do can you! If you're
ready to start then let's do this!

Simply reply to me and we'll begin the journey together!


Mike Fuller
The 'Increase Your Sales' Coach

P.S. You want to take immediate action...provide me with
your real name, email and the best phone number to reach you
in the form below and we'll rock and roll!

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