
Showing posts from 2011
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas! Merry Christmas to all and may 2012 bring you much happiness, prosperity, Love and Joy! Wish I liked Egg-Nog! Guess I'll have to settle for Hot-Chocolate err...Baileys, Jack and Coffee...Ho-Ho-Ho! Check out this funny video...It'll 'Crack' You Up! This will make you LOL! Subscribe Below!   I think I just made a rhyme...

The Holiday Shuffle!

The Holiday Shuffle is fully on! From last minute shopping to planning all of the visits to families/friends/parties etc. It can be maddening at best. Know what I mean? Well, seems like the proverbial 'Double-Edged' Sword! On the one hand are all the hassles, frustrations, emotional upheavals and dealing with the folks that seem to be oblivious to everyone else, AKA the rude peeps! That being said the joy and good feelings crush the bad stuff for me anyway! After all the rushing around is said and done. The panic of checking off everything on my list I seem to magically transform into a calm and joyful place. I just well up inside when I see my family, share some stories, laugh a lot, eat to excess and probably down a wee bit too much booze! But man I love it! There's nothing like memories. Can't buy them...we just get to experience them...good - Great - sad - whatever they are they are all a necessary and pre-programmed part of our lives...IMHO. So, th
Greetings Fellow Sales Professionals! Are you ready to take control? Isn't it time for you to finally 'Get The Guts' to do what you know MUST be doen and quit taking the easy way out? I think so!!! Get started down the 'Yellow Brick Road' to Success today! Click on the link below and let's ROCK & ROLL PEOPLE!

Time to Go Mobile Folks! Check out this short video!


Make Money and Create The Life You've Always Dreamed About!

Have you always dreamed about taking charge of your life, career, income, choices and all that you revere? Well it's time for you to Stand Up and Take Charge! I am here to help you every step of the way. One of my friends and mentors, Chris Farrell, has created the best materials, programs and courses on How To Make Money Online. I have immersed myself in his and others trainings and combined the best of what I've learned with my Ninja offline Strategies to develop what we believe to be the best newbie training there is...period! We also have some new tricks for you old dawgs out there as well! Check it out and remember to share the love on Facebook & Twitter and wherever else you see fit! Thank you and let's Rock & Roll! Kindest, Michael

Create Your Own Website by 3:45 pm Today!

Get In The Game!   GRAB YOUR FREE copy of " Create Your Own Website by 3:45 This Afternoon" 100% Totally Complimentary w/Zero Shenanigans! Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Email Marketing by AWeber You're Going To LOVE This eBook! 

Giddy Up!

Create Your Own Website by 3:45 pm Today!

Here is the best FREE course on the subject of building your own website. Taught by the #1 online trainer - Chris Farrell. Chris makes everything extremely easy to understand and implement. He literally takes you by the hand and walks you through every step of the way!

Check Out My Latest Ezine Article


Time To Dominate Your Market!?

Hi Gang, It's time to get busy and quit gettin ready to get ready to go! Let's GO NOW! Here's a Happy Friday Video for you...Rock and Roll People!

Have a Great Week - Err - Strong End

I Don't Give A Damn What You Think You're Entitled To!

"I Don't Give A Damn What You  Think You're Entitled Too!" THE MOVIE -- "A Few Good Men"  is perhaps the single most powerful flick I have watched over the last twenty years. In particular, there's a dialogue scene that is so powerful it will send tingles up your spine. [SPOILER ALERT] It Is Also  Surprisingly  Relevant to Leaders in Our Industry... This powerful scene occurs near the end of the movie in the courtroom.  The crime:  The violent beating and accidental murder of a U.S. military recruit at "Gitmo" under the suspected orders of Gitmo's Colonel: Nathan Jessep. Jessep [Jack Nicholson]:  You want answers? Kaffee [Tom Cruise]:  I think I'm entitled to them. Jessep:  You want answers? Kaffee:  I want the truth! Jessep:   You can't handle the truth!  Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? 

Grab your Complimentary Copy of Mike's Report, The 'Forgotten' Selling System!

Simply Enter Your Name and Email Below to Claim Your FREE Report Now! There are only 25 copies and it is full of timely and killer information that will explode your business!

Grab Your Complimentary Strategy Session & Free Report

Hey Hey Hey Everyone! I've just put the finishing touches on my Report ' How To Earn $100,000+ in Your Next 12 Months '. Want a complimentary copy? Simply fill out the form and I'll rush one to you! P.S. I'm also throwing in a complimentary 60 minute 'Strategy Session' that will help you discover what's holding you back and give you some solutions on how to break free from the limitations! I am only offering this to the 1st 25 who qualify.  Grab your slot today! I'll cull thru the responses, give you a call or shoot you and email personally and we'll set up a convenient time to 'Strategize'!

This Could Be BAD NEWS!

Greetings all and happy Thursday to you! This is a quick post to announce the release of the greatest new software for today's marketers/salespeople...drum roll please...It's called the 'Evergreen Business System' and it is well, Awesome! You must check this out if you are at all serious about building a steady steam of leads/conversions for your business/product/service. It is THAT GOOD...GREAT really! So here's a link for you to check it out! I know you'll love it as much as I do...and ALL of the top marketers are either already using it or will be very soon! The question you have to ask yourself is, "Am I going to stay current and up to speed with the 'Best of The Best' or am I going to be left on the shore when the $hip sails?" Check it out before you miss the boat! And yes I am an enthusiastic affiliate for this program. I don't often recommend this stuff as I am very selective on what to promote to my communit

What's Michael Fuller Up To?

Hello and Welcome to 7-Figure Selling! My name is Michael Fuller and I have been a top salesperson for the past 34 years! Wow time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it! I’ve been fortunate to generate millions of dollars in sales fees over the years and I firmly believe that Selling is the finest profession in the world! In fact, our entire economy rests on the shoulders of professional salespeople. If you have the finest widget in the world but there are no sales then you have NO BUSINESS! On this site you will find timely and strategic information/tips that will help you reach the top in the field of Sales! Selling is something we all do on a daily basis if you think about it. We’re constantly selling our family, friends, co-workers, boss, local merchants and the list goes on. The problem is that most people don’t like to be Sold but the absolutely LOVE to Buy! What most folks miss is that selling is NOT about telling…rather it’s ALL about ASKING the right questions, b

Jump In To Get A Step or Two Ahead of The Competition!

Your Opportunity To Participate... Dear Friend, Rest assured, I'm not here to sell you anything - zip, zero, nada. But I would like to share with you the 'how, what and why' of what I do! Decisive entrepreneurs will immediately recognize the value in it for them. Folks, the purpose of this process is to identify those of you who are keen to 'play ball'. Whether that's you or not, I don't know...All I can say is that either way it's fine by me. So let's get down to business: I've spent the last 35 years in the sales industry. Have closed thousands of transactions and coached hundreds of real estate salespeople, brokers and salespeople in several other fields. My interest over the last 18 months has been testing and implementing simple strategies for a handpicked group of my clients. These were ordinary people hungry for extraordinary results. After a short, focused effort the results had surpassed everyone's expectations -

Join My Growing Legion of Fans!

Greetings from Michel Fuller - AKA - Fullinski! I am excited to roll out my members-only sign-up form that will give you immediate access to my growing library of training videos that are designed to walk you step-by-step through the process of first learning what the pro's in sales are doing everyday to gain market share, understanding these tools and finally taking 'Massive-Action' to implement what you've learned. Listen, I've spent more than 35 years learning, understanding and implementing the finest tools to blow the doors off my sales! Now I spend ALL of my time sharing what I've learned and continue to learn daily with my fellow members of The Sales Syndicate. Sounds like an insider club, doesn't it? That's because it is! This club is designed for folks that: 1. Are action oriented and will stop at nothing short of success. 2. Are coachable and willing to 'pay it forward' to people they have influence with. 3. Who are fina


Hey - my man Frank Kern is giving away this classic '63 VW bus: This thing is straight out of a movie! It has 23 windows and everything. ...The windshield even opens up. Anyway - anyone can have a shot at getting it and you don't have to buy anything. Check out the pictures and video here: - Michael Fuller

It's Friday! Have Some Fun!

Hey Hey Hey! Just thought I'd load a video that is kinda fun to watch! Some serious and savory dancin goin on! Enjoy! And have a great weekend! The Backyard BBQ.m4v

Michael Fuller has requested to keep in touch with you with DesktopLightning!

Hey You, Michael Fuller is using DesktopLightning to keep in touch with people, and really wants you to get an account to keep in touch with you. You can accept Michael's invitation and get an account here: Thanks! ========== This message was sent to you by Michael Fuller, whose email address is . Michael logged on to using the IP address, and used the Desktop Lightning 'Invite Friends' tool at 2011-07-08 12:59:20 to invite you. If you believe you have received this message in error, or that you are receiving this message as a result of abuse of our system, please report it to us immediately at . Thanks! Please click the link below to prevent any further invitations from being sent to you about, from anybody:

The Declaration of Your Own Independence!

The ‘Declaration of Independence’ states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... That, my friends is a key phrase to remind yourselves of as you pursue your dreams and your unalienable Right to build a life and a business that, when you’re sitting in your favorite chair looking back, will be completely satisfying and rewarding. Are you following your Life purpose? Do you have the Liberty you deserve? How much Happiness do you feel right now? I had the extremely good fortune of being born here and being raised by a loving family. We were never wealthy. In fact, we were somewhere in the massive middle class in terms of money. I learned at an early age how to work to make the extra money I needed to buy the stuff I wanted that was not in the family budget. I remember the long days of picking berries,